June 24–26, 2024, St. Petersburg, Russia

International conference “Internet and Modern Society” (IMS-2024) is mainly organized by ITMO University, held in St. Petersburg, from 24 to 26 June 2024. Important tasks of the IMS-2024 are contribution to the formation of specialists’ international community and promotion of research and development in the field of information society technologies.

Important events of IMS-2024:

- 7th International Conference Digital Transformation in Governance and Society (DTGS-2024)
- Young Scholars’ Poster Session Digital Transformation in Governance and Society (Young DTGS-2024)
- Interactive Systems & Information Society Technologies (InterSys-2024)
Computational Linguistics (CompLing-2024)
- International Art and Innovation in Museums Seminar (AIMs 2024)

DTGS-2024 is an international collaborative platform for researchers to discuss transformative impact of digital technology on governments and societies across the globe, with a special emphasis on the BRICS countries. The key topic of DTGS-2024 is related to the digital transformation of governance, as well as political communication online. See CFP for details.

Young DTGS-2024 is an academic event for students and young scholars (under 35 years of age). It provides a collaborative platform for researchers to discuss transformative impact of digital technologies. See CFP for details

The goal of the InterSys-2024 workshop is to discuss to the problems of interactive technologies development in the digital environment (science, education, healthcare, business, public administration and civil society). See CFP for details.

The goal of the CompLing-2024 is to discuss the actual issues of interaction of linguistics and information technologies – regarding the development of technology solutions on the basis of a natural language, and the influence of information technologies on the language. Target audience are linguists of all profiles, the staff of organizations developing information systems that involve natural language processing, specialists in knowledge representation, higher education teachers, translators. See CFP for details.

The goal of the AIMs 2024 is to discuss the current state, prospects, and directions of using digital technologies in museums. Thus, the event serves as a platform for discussing the impact of digital technologies in the museum environment and implies the presence of two components – practical cases and scholarly analysis. See CFP for details.

All submissions will be carefully reviewed by the program committee and selected for the IMS-2024 Proceedings. The accepted and presented papers will be included in the IMS-2024 Proceedings, which will be sent to Springer Publishing for publishing and indexing in Scopus.

Rules for papers in the proceedings here. The text is submitted for review (in PDF) without mentioning the authors, affiliation and references to projects carried out by the authors. This information is added to the final version of the article, after its approval.
Important Dates of IMS-2024:

31 Mar 2024 – Abstract Submission Deadline
07 Apr – Paper Submission Deadline
25 Apr – 13 May – Notifications of Acceptance
24 May – Deadline for Camera Ready Paper
27 May – Early Bird Registration
16 June – Authors’ Registration Deadline
24–26 June 2024 – Presentation at the IMS-2024

Important Dates of InterSys-2024 – BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, UAE:

31 Mar 2024 – Abstract Submission Deadline
07 Apr
– Paper Submission Deadline
25–30 Apr – Acceptance Notification
6 May
– Early Bird Registration Deadline
16–17 May
– Presentation at the InterSys-2024 Workshop in Dubai
24 May 2024 – Deadline for Camera Ready Paper

Important Dates of InterSys-2024 – ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia:

31 Mar 2024 – Abstract Submission Deadline
07 Apr
– Paper Submission Deadline
25–30 Apr – Acceptance Notification
6 May
– Early Bird Registration Deadline
24 May – Deadline for Camera Ready Paper
24–26 June 2024 – Presentation at the InterSys-2024 Workshop in St. Petersburg

Participants must present their reports in person, not showing up at the conference will automatically lead to the exclusion of the paper from IMS-2024 Proceedings.

To be accepted to the workshop a paper must be original, not published anywhere else before or being under review. A paper can be either in English or Russian. All papers undergo a double-blind peer review by no fewer than 3 experts. The authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in the workshop as speakers.

REGISTRATION FEES (ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia)

Participant Profile

Early Bird Fee

Regular Fee

 Student Authors



 Authors from academia

4 000 RUB

5 000 RUB

 Authors from Industry

6 000 RUB

10 000 RUB



Participant Profile

Early Bird Fee
(VAT included)

Regular Fee
(VAT included)

 Student Authors

400 AED

550 AED

 Authors from academia

500 AED

650 AED

 Authors from Industry

600 AED

750 AED

1 AED = 0.27 USD
Participants without a paper presentation can have 50% discount on the registration fee.

Contact Information:
Alina Meteleva
IMS Information manager

About past conferences

Digital Ethics, E-Services, and Smart Cities: Highlights of Scientific Conference on Internet and Modern Society
27 June 2022
The XXV International Scientific Conference Internet and Modern Society 2022 (IMS 2022), hosted by ITMO University, brought together Russian and international scientists, as well as government representatives, to discuss different aspects of digitalization and share their views on digital governance, what kinds of e-services can improve the quality of life, and how to help people trust new technologies. Here is a review of the recent event.

IMS, DTGS and EVA: Key Events of the Information Society and Technology Week
27 June 2019
Last week, the Information Society and Technology Week took place in St. Petersburg. ITMO University hosted three of its events: the 22nd united conference “Internet and Modern Society” (IMS-2019), the second international conference “Digital Transformations & Global Society” (DTGS-2017), and the interdisciplinary conference “EVA (Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts) 2019 Saint Petersburg”. Some of the seminars and plenary sessions took place under the aegis of several conferences at once. For example, the open discussion on data, digital culture and digital society took place as part of the “Internet and Modern Society” conference and “EVA 2017 Saint Petersburg” conference. Read more about the conferences’ procedure, key topics, and opinions of experts.

Twitch, Twitter and Depression: Young Researchers Present Their Projects at ITMO University Poster Session 
26 June 2019
As part of the 4th international conference “Digital Transformation and Global Society”, ITMO University has recently hosted the Forum of Young Scientists. Its main aim was to unite young Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD researchers and experienced scientists in informal discussions on their research. The students had to prepare posters on their research projects and explain them to other participants and judges. The authors of the best works won the opportunity to be published in the conference digest. ITMO.NEWS spoke to the researchers to find out more about their work.

Experts Discuss How to Protect Scientific Knowledge 
1 July 2019
How will we work with research articles in some ten years? Will they be digitized? And what will happen to such portals as Google Scholar or Cyberleninka? All these and other questions were discussed at the closing ceremony of the fourth conference Digital Transformation and Global Society, which was held at ITMO University. ITMO.NEWS publishes the highlights of the discussion.

Alexander Voiskynsky: Psychologist On Informatization
28 June 2017
The Information Society Week has just ended at ITMO University. The event included a series of science conferences and open lectures on topics ranging from research in social informatics, sociology and cultural anthropology to theoretical and practical aspects of building smart cities and organizing business processes in a digital environment. During a presentation for the Cyberpsychology section of the Internet and Modern Society International SeminarIMS-2017, Alexander Voiskynsky, director of Psychological Problems of Informatization Laboratory of Moscow State University talked about how psychologists perceive internet activity, how "network thinking" and collective intelligence work, and what are the rules for effectively searching for information on the Internet. 

“Digital Talents”: How a New Generation of Specialists Changes the Way Companies Work
22 June 2017
More than 20 years ago Nicholas Negroponte, a computer scientist and founder of MIT’s Media Lab, was among the first to use the term “digital economy”. Today these words are often said by politicians, scientists and entrepreneurs. In near future, systematic development of digital economy could make data the new oil, says the Russian Ministry of Communications. But how soon will that occur and what measures need to be taken already? During a recent lecture at the Week of Information Society Technologies 2017, Semyon Schetinin, head of the Russian office of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), spoke about the effect of digital technology on traditional economics, who “digital talents” are and why authoritarian management style will not fare well in modern companies.